Sabado, Abril 30, 2011

Week 8

Each week is a breath of fresh air, at the same time a surprise of what to expect this time.

This week was the most annoying and challenging week for me. Morning sickness and nausea came together as one. I cannot eat, drink or do all sort of things. I throw up all the time-- when I eat and when I don't. I throw up when I see any kinds of food. I hate rice, chicken, some kinds of fish, and many more. 
There was one time that I cried hard because I'm so hungry but my system won't let me eat. 

Other than food, I also have faced another challenge in my pregnancy. I am very, very lazy. I get bored easily, I hate doing things, I hate looking at myself in the mirror, I hate to look at the kitchen utensils, I hate to stand up from the bed, I hate to brush my hair, I hate to dress up and I hate to take a bath and much more. Weird, I know, but they say, every pregnant women have their own way of dealing with their pregnancy.

However, despite everything that I have gone through, I still don't miss this
One of the things that calms and relaxes my body, mind and my baby every single day. 

I'm thinking, what will it be in Week 9? 

Few more days and I'll be able to step on it! Bon Voyage, little one. Mommy and Daddy will be your captain. Just sail smoothly and you will be taken care of. 

Martes, Abril 19, 2011

Challenges in My Greatest Journey

As the days go by, my pregnancy and my baby tests my patience. Every single day, at the start of Week 5, is no fun at all. Sometimes, I thought, maybe God challenges me a lot because He knows that hubby and I have been wanting to have a child. On a second node, I say, God would never do that. He already created a miracle by putting this life inside my womb. 

However, I realized, these dizziness, this vomiting for almost everyday of my life, are a way to prove the essence of a woman to becoming a mum. It is, perhaps, one way of letting me realize that motherhood is no joke. That right from the start - getting pregnant until giving birth and raising a child is never easy. I have learned as I go through this pregnancy, every time I puke in front of the food served on the table, every time I look at my boobs and it looks really disgusting, every time I check on my waistline and it's getting bigger and bigger, and every time I get lazy getting up from the bed and taking a bath, I am so lucky because I was one of the few women who are able to give life to a human creature. 

Morning sickness is one way of letting me realize that I am a mum. And that my responsibility starts from there. 

A blessed Holy Week!

Huwebes, Abril 14, 2011

Week 7

Another week added in My Greatest Journey!

This is the most exhausting week, I can say. It's like I'm craving for something, I hate eating and I vomit a lot. And I really mean, a lot. I vomit in the morning and at night before I go to sleep. I find it really hard to eat and I get hungry most of the time. It's really weird but again, it's part of being pregnant.

Meanwhile, while I was too aggravated with what's going on and with the 'weird' changes that I am going through, something good happened that I have forgotten I had no food intake for 3 hours already. Hubby and I have been very busy with processing everything. From the pre natal to the ultrasound. We have been going back and forth processing everything and waiting for our number to be called. Hubby had to take a leave because of it. But it's worth everything! Besides, it's for his little one.

Never mind the stress, never mind the long wait. 'Twas all erased when, during the ultrasound session, the doctor showed us the baby. The baby is alive. He/ She is very tiny. He/ She is in my uterus and we heard the heartbeat. It's very fast! It was a mixed emotion for hubby and I. I saw him smiling and teary- eyed when he heard it. I too, am very happy and almost about to cry. It was the best thing ever! I could not believe that I am carrying a life inside of me. It was priceless, breath taking and wonderful. I could not thank God enough for that amazing thing that we saw and hear! 
Until now, I can still hear the heartbeat inside my heart. It was the most precious thing that happened to me. I could never forget this day! I mark, April 14, 2011. 

baby's heart rate: 133 rate/ minute

The day that was. 

Miyerkules, Abril 13, 2011

Week 6

Time is really fast! I'm in my Week 6!
This is the time wherein I can feel that something is growing inside my tummy. Although I cannot really say that it's moving or my tummy's getting big, I could definitely feel that a life is forming inside of my womb.

According to science, at week 6 of pregnancy, the baby's heart starts to beat, however, no quickening is happening yet. Studies also show that at this week, the mum needs to take more rest. At least 8 hours of sleep or more, need to take supplements for the baby's brain development as well as the formation of some parts of the baby's system. 

However, in as much as I wanted to eat more food, I cannot eat well. I feel like vomiting each time I look at the food in my plate. I hate to eat meat of all sorts. I love eating fish at times but more often than not, I don't. But I love to eat fruits like bananas, apple and mango. I also love drinking milk and sodas. I know I have to stop drinking soda but I was thinking that it is the only way I can finish my meal. 

I also started the "morning sickness" that people are telling me. It's the worst feeling a person could ever feel. It's really getting into my nerves but I keep my cool. I know that aside from knowing that it's normal to all pregnant women, it's also a way of our baby to tell us to wake up because they are awake and they want food. How cute!

Oh, and just before I sign off, my baby and I are enjoying the Mozart for Babies and Pregnant Women that hubby downloaded. It's relaxing!

Can't wait for my changes in Week 7!

Sabado, Abril 02, 2011

Week 4 and 5

Hubby and I are overwhelmed much because of this tiny little tadpole that's inside my tummy and my body. 

We went to the OB for the first time, one Saturday morning. It was a relief! Hubby and I were happy to hear that our little one is 4 weeks and 3 days old by LMP. 
the pic is messed up: At HP. First visit to the doctor @ 4weeks.
At Week 5, somethin' bad happened to me. I got colds and flu which made hubby and I worry a lot. So hubby bought me fruits and milk to help me and our baby compensate with the no-meds-water-only therapy. I had to sacrifice myself from not drinking cold water, not reporting for work to rest more and not taking any medicines to ensure the safety of our little one. Lastly, I can say our baby and I will be A-okay because hubby never fails to show us that he's there, he cares and he always makes us happy. 

my "vitamins"

5weeks, 3 days pregnant
Never mind the pictures. I learned not to take pics using the phone. 

I am so excited to share my baby's progress. 'Til then! Au revoir.