Martes, Agosto 02, 2011

Good Friends, Good Times

FRIENDS.. how do we actually define them?

In our lives, particularly in mine, I could honestly say I do have a lot of friends. Most of them I met in school, some in the workplace and others through acquaintances. 
However, as time goes by, I have realized, I do not need all of them at all. I have learned that I should keep the ones who are truly worth keeping and let go of those who are not. 

In high school, where I started to pick the ones whom I can truly call my friends, I made sure I choose those whom I know will stay and stick through me no matter what. Those who, even in the heaviest of all the rains, will stay and wait with me til the rainbow comes up. Those who are willing to not only laugh but cry with me in any circumstances. Those who will not judge me, nor put me down when other people does. 

Then finally we met. And we were able to share the same ideas, attitude and what-not. 
We live simply and we enjoy simple things. We are grateful for the successes of each other and we share the same pain when one is having any. 
Our friendship was never perfect, like everybody else's. We have indifferences, we fought, we cried over things but it never triggered us to end our friendship just like that. 

And just like that, I am just as happy that until now, in our silver years, we have continued the friendship that we started way back high school. I cannot just imagine how time flies so fast. I could remember us saving up our allowances so we can go to the mall. Now, we are much willing to spend a large amount of money to meet up, wherever it may be. And the ones we are saving up for is a grand vacay somewhere outside the country. 
And though we have our own busy lives, we still manage to catch up with each other. It's just so nice to think that we all became successful in our chosen paths. We share the same contentment and joy with our career, our love life, our own life and even our sex life! :) 
They say, Success is given to those who humbly and patiently waits. We waited so long for this! 

I thank my friends, whom I consider my sisters-at-heart! I love you girls. 

Here are some snaps from our Cebu Escapade! ♥ 

girls i most love :)
Dining out with the gurls at the famous Case Verde of course with their famous dish-the to-die-for Baby Back Ribs before the Skywalk and Edge Coaster experience. 

our way of communication- BBM! :)
In high school, we are all so outdated with gadgets, especially cellphones. As we would always see our rich classmates having the most expensive and new phones. We would always cut out our favorite or "dream phone" from the magazine or newspaper and post it in our notebooks and we would always dream of having one in the future. Now, we already are updated with the latest! Yay!! Thank you Lord! 

at Crown Regency- Fuente
The Ultimate Skywalk and Edge Coaster experience- where I wasn't able to do because I am 5 months pregnant! But I'm happy that my girlfriends were able to try it!

with my ever-supportive husband
I'm glad that my husband and my friends got along very well. There's nothing more than that! =)

picture before heading off to the 38th floor!
at The Walk- IT Park 
release the stress! tonight's the night ♥

let's runaway from the city! - An afternoon at the beach. Where the sun kisses our skin and the waves takes away the pain.. Our Beach-capade at Portofino, Mactan Is. 

Thank you girls for the memorable and wonderful Cebu experience. Where shall we hit next? That you should find out! ;)

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