Martes, Setyembre 13, 2011

Week 28

It's official! I am indeed on my 7th month. The end of the second trimester, thus, the start of life on the third trimester. 
This is the highlight of my pregnancy! This is where my baby is human and ready to conquer the world in the months to come. 

And, THIS IS IT! I'm gonna be a mum in a jiffy! Without me and the people around me knowing, my husband and I will be carrying our little angel already. And I take it one at a time. 

Anyhow, I am still coping up with my breathing difficulty as well as my sleeping blues. I am also trying to avoid stress and avoid people who are bringing stress to my life. I am trying to live a healthy and happy life as much as possible for the coming of my little girl :) 
I also began feeling contractions but glad to say that I don't feel any pain at all. I only feel a little squeeze in my tummy. Also, I'm very happy and proud of myself and my baby girl who is as strong as her mum and dad. She has been very active lately. She's never given me any problems right from the start and all throughout. Though I bled one time because of me and hubby practicing the so- called human right. I know, it was so selfish of us not to think of this little swimmer inside. Good thing, she was okay and stable. We were able to breathe deeply. 

Again, all credits goes to the dad who is very caring and supportive of me and baby. Never was a stressful moment with him. 

28wks & 6days belly
The week that was. 

Martes, Setyembre 06, 2011

And the winner is..

At week 26, my OB Gyne recommended us for a more accurate gender ultrasound. 

Mr and I have been curious as to what would the gender of our first baby be. 
I have been told from my previous ultrasounds that the gender cannot be determined accurately and clearly, but based on the baby's statistics, it could be a baby boy. 
All the while, hubby and I really thought it was a baby boy. Good thing we haven't bought baby boy's things yet. Am thankful that we only bought neutral colors for the baby. From the clothes, to the things. 

Back to the topic, we had our gender ultrasound on the 29th of August 2011, Monday at Chong Hua Hospital. Where we usually do. It was a holiday and they are serving patients half day. Good thing, we were able to rush in and was the last to be accommodated. 
Weeks before this, we have been talking to the baby to show up the next ultrasound. And so the baby did. 

Excited much to know the good news? 

It wasn't actually what hubby and I expected, hence, we are happy to know that it is the opposite of what we thought. 

YES! It is a baby girl. A healthy baby girl. 
I am delighted to know that we are going to have a little me. We are going to have a little princess. 

Excited, I spilled the good news to my family back in Negros. Happy to know that our little princess is very much welcomed, from her parents, her grannies, her aunties and uncles, her mom and dad's family and friends. And glad to know that everyone especially the family are waiting for her arrival!

See you pretty soon, little girl. Mum and Dad are much excited. And your things are all ready. 

It's a Baby Girl!! :)

Weeks 25, 26 and 27

Again, it's been forever since I last updated my blog. I have been lazy enough to think of the right words to put in. And I guess now's the time to update what's been up to me 3 weeks ago. 

Week 25 was never different from week 24. From the appetite to my emotional changes. Of course the hormones are still there-- talking. Good thing I have a patient husband. I guess, definitely, the changes are my growing baby as well as my growing belly. 

this is me @25wks
Week 26. I had my pre- natal session with my OB- Gyne in Cebu, Dra. Chan. Guess what? I gained 4lbs. Our little baby's heartbeat is on a faster pace right now. I am very much overwhelmed with my baby's progress. And of course, my heart jumps up and down seeing my little bundle of joy's father happy and ready to take risks no matter what it takes to go with me on pre- natal sessions. And that is why we have a healthy growing baby inside because my husband never fails to show us that he cares. 

my baby bump @ 26wks

Time flies fast, indeed. I remembered I was only on my 7th week but now, my journey continues on its 27th week! This time, my life has changed a lot.  I got leg cramps which is something that I hate because it hurts a lot. Also, my back hurts because of my scoliosis. And I am having difficulties breathing. I feel like drowning. I can't even sleep well at night, or day, because I don't know what sleeping position to do. However, despite all that, I am overwhelmed much because my baby punches and kicks harder now. And my husband just can't get over it every time he feels it. 
Oh, and lastly, my dear husband spoils me a lot with Maiz Con Hielo, as I crave for. Thank you, Mister! =)

27wks baby inside

Can you spot the difference? ;)

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

Week 24

Hurrah! I'm officially six (6) months! The countdown begins now. It's the last of my second trimester and four weeks from now, I could say, my timeline of becoming a real mum is in a much faster pace. Not to mention I am gradually becoming a mum since I got pregnant. I've become more responsible with my life. I've become cautious with my food intake and with the activities that I'm doing. 

I know I can't be as healthy as this without the help of my Baby-Making Partner, and I thank him for everything. From the food, vitamins, his sacrifice of getting a leave from work to come with me on my pre-natal sessions and what-not. 

Oh, and just before I forget, our baby things are almost complete! November is just few months away from now. Stay put, little creature for you will be able to see the world soon! 

Snaps of ME on my 24th week :)

heart in tummy means LOVE

Miyerkules, Agosto 10, 2011

The man behind it all

"Behind every great family is a responsible husband and father."

I know a lot of guys in my life. However, I only consider a few of them as real men. They are the ones who are responsible, sensitive, down-to-earth and those who are not afraid to admit they're at fault. 

My father, is my Superman. He is my first love, and the first man who have given me unconditional love. I grew up looking up to him with respect and all humility and wished my husband would be like him in the future. He is the perfect father for me and prayed that my children would have the same "perfect" father, too. 

My brother, although younger than I am, not to mention annoying too, is also one of the guys in my life. He's the one who keeps me company when I was young, plays with me and shared his childhood with me, as much as I did with him. 

And last but definitely not the least, the man of my life, my husband. My one and only love. The man who shared his life with me, the man who accepted me, the man who loved me despite everything, the man who conquered everything, the man who stood up for me and the man that my children will look up to in the future. 
He is the only man I love, the man I live my life with and the man I cannot live without. My baby and I are the luckiest people on earth because we have somebody like him. And every step he takes and move he makes, he knows we're a step backward. :)

As the saying goes, we are the ones who make our own destiny. Whoever it is that we are destined to be with, and whatever we have with our life, it is always our choice. 

Lunes, Agosto 08, 2011

Week 23

Another week passed. Another kickin' and wonderful week for hubby, baby and I. Hubby and I realized that we are so blessed with a healthy relationship which comes along with a healthy mind, body and baby! 
We are so happy that our baby is not giving me (and daddy) a hard time. Baby's heartbeat is good, no contractions, baby is as active as mum and dad, and of course, no vomiting for me, no cramps, less/ seldom heartburn, very good appetite and less stress or shall I say no stress at all. 

Funny to think that when I got pregnant, we have been going out together with friends a lot. Unlike when I wasn't, we were both a home-buddy. Credits of course to the little one, who does not give mum any stress or inconvenience when we're out, no matter where, how far, and how late it is. As long as dad provides us with the food that we love to eat, everything is normal. 

This is me, at 23 weeks and 7 days :)

The happiest and the most wonderful feeling in the world, is when the little one kicks inside of my tummy that puts a smile on his mum and dad's face. 
Priceless. Unlimited Happiness.

The week that was. On to the 24th week which means I am 6 months officially! 

Martes, Agosto 02, 2011

Good Friends, Good Times

FRIENDS.. how do we actually define them?

In our lives, particularly in mine, I could honestly say I do have a lot of friends. Most of them I met in school, some in the workplace and others through acquaintances. 
However, as time goes by, I have realized, I do not need all of them at all. I have learned that I should keep the ones who are truly worth keeping and let go of those who are not. 

In high school, where I started to pick the ones whom I can truly call my friends, I made sure I choose those whom I know will stay and stick through me no matter what. Those who, even in the heaviest of all the rains, will stay and wait with me til the rainbow comes up. Those who are willing to not only laugh but cry with me in any circumstances. Those who will not judge me, nor put me down when other people does. 

Then finally we met. And we were able to share the same ideas, attitude and what-not. 
We live simply and we enjoy simple things. We are grateful for the successes of each other and we share the same pain when one is having any. 
Our friendship was never perfect, like everybody else's. We have indifferences, we fought, we cried over things but it never triggered us to end our friendship just like that. 

And just like that, I am just as happy that until now, in our silver years, we have continued the friendship that we started way back high school. I cannot just imagine how time flies so fast. I could remember us saving up our allowances so we can go to the mall. Now, we are much willing to spend a large amount of money to meet up, wherever it may be. And the ones we are saving up for is a grand vacay somewhere outside the country. 
And though we have our own busy lives, we still manage to catch up with each other. It's just so nice to think that we all became successful in our chosen paths. We share the same contentment and joy with our career, our love life, our own life and even our sex life! :) 
They say, Success is given to those who humbly and patiently waits. We waited so long for this! 

I thank my friends, whom I consider my sisters-at-heart! I love you girls. 

Here are some snaps from our Cebu Escapade! ♥ 

girls i most love :)
Dining out with the gurls at the famous Case Verde of course with their famous dish-the to-die-for Baby Back Ribs before the Skywalk and Edge Coaster experience. 

our way of communication- BBM! :)
In high school, we are all so outdated with gadgets, especially cellphones. As we would always see our rich classmates having the most expensive and new phones. We would always cut out our favorite or "dream phone" from the magazine or newspaper and post it in our notebooks and we would always dream of having one in the future. Now, we already are updated with the latest! Yay!! Thank you Lord! 

at Crown Regency- Fuente
The Ultimate Skywalk and Edge Coaster experience- where I wasn't able to do because I am 5 months pregnant! But I'm happy that my girlfriends were able to try it!

with my ever-supportive husband
I'm glad that my husband and my friends got along very well. There's nothing more than that! =)

picture before heading off to the 38th floor!
at The Walk- IT Park 
release the stress! tonight's the night ♥

let's runaway from the city! - An afternoon at the beach. Where the sun kisses our skin and the waves takes away the pain.. Our Beach-capade at Portofino, Mactan Is. 

Thank you girls for the memorable and wonderful Cebu experience. Where shall we hit next? That you should find out! ;)

Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011


Hi there! It has been ages since I last updated my online journal about my pregnancy. The last time I checked, I see the last post was on my 14th and 15th week. Now, I'm on to my 22nd week

I am officially five (5) months pregnant! My baby bump is obviously poppin out and I'm back to my normal self! I am just as happy! I can eat well, Drink well and can absolutely do things without getting tired right away! I sleep when I wanted to. Unlike the previous weeks wherein I'm always called in by the bed. It makes me really happy knowing that I have the normal pregnancy every woman is wanting to have! And I thank God for that!

Anyhow, since I was gone for a little while (bcuz of my preggo blues and what-not), let me share with you the highlights of my preggo-life while I'm gone. :)

I saved some pictures of my growing tummy -- all in my facebook account and Reden's facebook account. Check it here and here. 

So for the time that I'm gone, here are the highlights of our life. (Together with my little one)

1. Our daddy came back home!! That was on my 19th week. Here are some of the snaps. 
at Imay's - dinner time!
Nature's Village Resort

We checked in at Nature's, Talisay when hubby came to Victorias to take me back to Cebu.

2. Soul sister-sister-in-law Carleen visited me in my hometown! We had a lot of fun!! :) 
During Zyra's 16th at home.
3. At Week 20, we're back to Cebu. We also had our ultrasound for the gender determination supposed to be, but our little angel is too shy to show up to his very excited daddy! :)

YES, that's our very shy baby at 20weeks, LMP. :)

4. Baby and I are overwhelmed much knowing that our daddy bought himself a book, "Dude, you're gonna be a dad!" :)

5. And last but not the least, we're back to Cebu with a new home. Not really ours, but the heck, we live in there so it's like ours as well. 

It isn't the house that everybody dreams about but living with the person you love and who loves you most does not make it any different.

Hope I was able to put up with everything that I missed! I am happy that I have the healthiest pregnancy and baby in my tummy. Truly, when a pregnant woman is sorrounded with happiness, love and emotional support from family, close friends and husband, the pregnancy and the baby inside will go smoothly.

Martes, Hunyo 14, 2011

Week 14 and 15

On to the second trimester, little one! 

I am the happiest at this time. No more worries. My baby bump is also showing up. And, my baby is very cooperative with me. Although daddy is away for work, baby is very understanding and listens very carefully to me. We love listening to Baby Genius's Nursery Rhymes and am planning to buy the CD I saw in SM. It's for relaxation and deep sleep for mothers-to-be and for baby. Will do it in the coming days if I have the time. 

Meanwhile, the 14th week is less exhausting. However, I still have the lazy feeling. I still do not want to take a bath. Or I do but I am always forced to. I still love sleeping. And eating. And I still hate chicken. I wonder. I had my pre natal and the doctor listened to baby's heartbeat using a doppler. My OB-Gyne in Bacolod, Dra. Lacson said, with the looks of it and with baby's heart rate, it's a baby boy! I was overwhelmed. I will still need to wait for the ultrasound though to make sure it was really a boy! I would love to have a boy and a girl. Whatever. As long as it's normal and a-okay! 

Week 15. The laziest week of all. I am so lazy this week. I just love to sleep and sleep and sleep. It's as if the angels are singing their lullabyes in my ears. I can't control myself from sleeping. If you would allow me to sleep all day, I really will. But, the little one is complaining for food.

Oh, and before I forget. I had the early quickening. I felt it on June 12, 2011. 8pm after dinner. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I know it's our little angel. 

I am much happier now that I don't feel any stress AT ALL. I can be able to eat the food that I am craving for. And I am happy that our daddy, though miles away from us, is very supportive of me and his baby. I know that he will be a perfect dad for our little bundle of joy. 

Lunes, Mayo 30, 2011

Week 13

The end of my first trimester! Thus, the end of all the pregnancy blues. 

My 13th week is just like the 12th week. Only, I starve for food but I can't stand being full. And, as my baby bump grows, my scoliosis hurts. My back is suffering from all the pain but I do all my best to support my back and my child. 

However, I had the heart melting and breathtaking ultrasound this week. I was really happy seeing my baby move and I hear angels in my ears when the doctor told me, "Your baby is normal." 

I could not stress more about me. I am just as happy! 

Our little one at 13 weeks and 5 days. 
Our precious gem. Our little one. The little creature that melted my and his father's heart. :)

Huwebes, Mayo 26, 2011

11 weeks baby- FOR HUBBY

Because I wasn't able to get the ultrasound pics on my last ultrasound, I googled the exact view of the baby based on the ultrasound I saw. 

It was on the 11th week that I saw my baby. Here is the exact picture of our baby. But it was not MY ultrasound. Only got this from the internet.  

This is really a replica of what I saw in my own ultraound. Only, our baby is moving and his hands are up. 
Dad, this is what our baby looks like during the ultrasound. Only, he's moving. And I can see the heart that beats faster! :) 

We love you daddy! 

Miyerkules, Mayo 25, 2011

Week 11 and 12

It's been quite a while that I hadn't updated my 'pregnancy week by week diary'. I have been pre occupied with a lot of things-- bonding with siblings, sleeping, chatting with hubby in Skype, and what-nots. 

Anyhow, I found the best time to write. The weather in Negros Occidental, Victorias to be specific, is not good so I took time to write since I'm done with my food and my little one is still not sleepy. Maybe this little one is still full. Or is in-love with the relaxing chill out music that I'm listening to right now. 

So, let's start with Week 11. Another chapter in My Greatest Journey. This week, is a very normal week for me. Although I get headaches sometimes and I feel dizzy at times, I could say this is much better than the previous weeks. Eating is my passion. I regain my appetite and is more active than the usual. I wake up early to walk at least 10 minutes or less in the lawn and I expose myself in the morning sunlight. It feels good to do that even if I only do it every other day. I also had my second ultrasound! But I have nothing to post because the doctor did not give me any ultrasound pics at all. I felt really sad about that. 
Let's talk about the ultrasound. It was very exciting! I was able to see a clear view of the little angel that's growing inside my womb, the angel that's draining all of my energy yet giving me genuine happiness and takes our breath away. He is a big baby! A total charm. The hands and feet are moving during the ultrasound session. He just can't stop moving. And the heart beat is faster. I almost cried at the sight of my little bundle of joy. He is just as charming as expected. And needless to say, he takes his mum's breath away. I hope his dad gets to see him at that age but dad has to work for his future. But dad was happy to hear that his baby is a-okay!

Week 12.  Yay! I'm officially three months! And I'm about to end my first trimester. My greates hobby? Eating and Sleeping. I felt like I am always lulled to sleep, anytime of the day. And guess what, I ate fish already! But chicken still sucks for me. I turned 25 this week and my baby bump is showing. Well, maybe because everyone is so excited for the baby and my parents are so supportive of my pregnancy. My mum sees to it that I eat well and she buys everything that I am craving for. My dad, a proud granny to be, makes sure that I don't miss my vitamins. He even knows what vitamins to take! I was so surprised! 
I can't say much about my 12th week because it's just the same as the 11th week. I just don't realize but my sister wakes me up to eat without me knowing that I'm asleep for so long. 

And of course, baby and I misses our head of the family. The other person who is constantly reminding me to take good care of his child. And I, is taking all the care in this world for this baby to be born healthy and smart! 

me with my sister, Zyra on my 25th bday @ 12 weeks.

See you in my next journey! :)

Huwebes, Mayo 05, 2011

Week 10

My favorite week in My Greatest Journey!

Two weeks more and I end my first trimester. I am very much relaxed and comfortable this week. I can eat well, sleep well and I don't feel anything about throwing up anymore. *Except that I still don't like chicken and egg.*

On the other hand, my baby bump is showing up already. Not that I eat a lot, but maybe because everyone in the family (both sides) are very eager and excited to have this little one as much as hubby and I are. 

One of the very reasons why I made this blog is because after giving birth, I want to see how I was, my changes, my excitement, my happiness and joy (as well as hubby's), what I have gone through and the monthy/ weekly progress of my tummy and my baby of course. The little creature might read this one day and I want him/ her to know that everyone is happy and everyone is waiting for him/ her.

Here are some of the Random moments when I noticed, it's getting bigger. And my baby is showing up like no other! 

My baby bump at 10 weeks and 2 days!
Let's see how big it will become in the weeks to come. 

Lunes, Mayo 02, 2011

Week 9

Another week for My Greatest Journey!

This is the better week for me. No morning sickness and nausea anymore! I can eat a lot more better, little by little but the food can digest in my tummy already. My baby is cooperating very well with me. 

One thing I noticed that changed, though, is my sleeping habit. I find it very hard to sleep during the day but okay at night. However, I find it really fine than throwing up and not eating anything. 

This time, I noticed, hubby is getting into my nerves. He pisses me off all the time. I wanted him to be there for me all the time. I'm becoming more sensitive and I wanted to hug and kiss him all the time. Maybe our little one will look like him. Maybe. 

Am spending my few days of this week in my hometown. Hubby had to leave for Scotland for work and I had to go home to be well taken care of by my family. I felt sad but I know that he's just there preparing for our future. And he never fails to communicate, though.

It's almost halfway through my first trimester. I am getting more excited as the weeks pass by. I take each week at a time. No rush. For soon a beautiful and healthy baby will take our breaths away! 

Sabado, Abril 30, 2011

Week 8

Each week is a breath of fresh air, at the same time a surprise of what to expect this time.

This week was the most annoying and challenging week for me. Morning sickness and nausea came together as one. I cannot eat, drink or do all sort of things. I throw up all the time-- when I eat and when I don't. I throw up when I see any kinds of food. I hate rice, chicken, some kinds of fish, and many more. 
There was one time that I cried hard because I'm so hungry but my system won't let me eat. 

Other than food, I also have faced another challenge in my pregnancy. I am very, very lazy. I get bored easily, I hate doing things, I hate looking at myself in the mirror, I hate to look at the kitchen utensils, I hate to stand up from the bed, I hate to brush my hair, I hate to dress up and I hate to take a bath and much more. Weird, I know, but they say, every pregnant women have their own way of dealing with their pregnancy.

However, despite everything that I have gone through, I still don't miss this
One of the things that calms and relaxes my body, mind and my baby every single day. 

I'm thinking, what will it be in Week 9? 

Few more days and I'll be able to step on it! Bon Voyage, little one. Mommy and Daddy will be your captain. Just sail smoothly and you will be taken care of. 

Martes, Abril 19, 2011

Challenges in My Greatest Journey

As the days go by, my pregnancy and my baby tests my patience. Every single day, at the start of Week 5, is no fun at all. Sometimes, I thought, maybe God challenges me a lot because He knows that hubby and I have been wanting to have a child. On a second node, I say, God would never do that. He already created a miracle by putting this life inside my womb. 

However, I realized, these dizziness, this vomiting for almost everyday of my life, are a way to prove the essence of a woman to becoming a mum. It is, perhaps, one way of letting me realize that motherhood is no joke. That right from the start - getting pregnant until giving birth and raising a child is never easy. I have learned as I go through this pregnancy, every time I puke in front of the food served on the table, every time I look at my boobs and it looks really disgusting, every time I check on my waistline and it's getting bigger and bigger, and every time I get lazy getting up from the bed and taking a bath, I am so lucky because I was one of the few women who are able to give life to a human creature. 

Morning sickness is one way of letting me realize that I am a mum. And that my responsibility starts from there. 

A blessed Holy Week!

Huwebes, Abril 14, 2011

Week 7

Another week added in My Greatest Journey!

This is the most exhausting week, I can say. It's like I'm craving for something, I hate eating and I vomit a lot. And I really mean, a lot. I vomit in the morning and at night before I go to sleep. I find it really hard to eat and I get hungry most of the time. It's really weird but again, it's part of being pregnant.

Meanwhile, while I was too aggravated with what's going on and with the 'weird' changes that I am going through, something good happened that I have forgotten I had no food intake for 3 hours already. Hubby and I have been very busy with processing everything. From the pre natal to the ultrasound. We have been going back and forth processing everything and waiting for our number to be called. Hubby had to take a leave because of it. But it's worth everything! Besides, it's for his little one.

Never mind the stress, never mind the long wait. 'Twas all erased when, during the ultrasound session, the doctor showed us the baby. The baby is alive. He/ She is very tiny. He/ She is in my uterus and we heard the heartbeat. It's very fast! It was a mixed emotion for hubby and I. I saw him smiling and teary- eyed when he heard it. I too, am very happy and almost about to cry. It was the best thing ever! I could not believe that I am carrying a life inside of me. It was priceless, breath taking and wonderful. I could not thank God enough for that amazing thing that we saw and hear! 
Until now, I can still hear the heartbeat inside my heart. It was the most precious thing that happened to me. I could never forget this day! I mark, April 14, 2011. 

baby's heart rate: 133 rate/ minute

The day that was. 

Miyerkules, Abril 13, 2011

Week 6

Time is really fast! I'm in my Week 6!
This is the time wherein I can feel that something is growing inside my tummy. Although I cannot really say that it's moving or my tummy's getting big, I could definitely feel that a life is forming inside of my womb.

According to science, at week 6 of pregnancy, the baby's heart starts to beat, however, no quickening is happening yet. Studies also show that at this week, the mum needs to take more rest. At least 8 hours of sleep or more, need to take supplements for the baby's brain development as well as the formation of some parts of the baby's system. 

However, in as much as I wanted to eat more food, I cannot eat well. I feel like vomiting each time I look at the food in my plate. I hate to eat meat of all sorts. I love eating fish at times but more often than not, I don't. But I love to eat fruits like bananas, apple and mango. I also love drinking milk and sodas. I know I have to stop drinking soda but I was thinking that it is the only way I can finish my meal. 

I also started the "morning sickness" that people are telling me. It's the worst feeling a person could ever feel. It's really getting into my nerves but I keep my cool. I know that aside from knowing that it's normal to all pregnant women, it's also a way of our baby to tell us to wake up because they are awake and they want food. How cute!

Oh, and just before I sign off, my baby and I are enjoying the Mozart for Babies and Pregnant Women that hubby downloaded. It's relaxing!

Can't wait for my changes in Week 7!

Sabado, Abril 02, 2011

Week 4 and 5

Hubby and I are overwhelmed much because of this tiny little tadpole that's inside my tummy and my body. 

We went to the OB for the first time, one Saturday morning. It was a relief! Hubby and I were happy to hear that our little one is 4 weeks and 3 days old by LMP. 
the pic is messed up: At HP. First visit to the doctor @ 4weeks.
At Week 5, somethin' bad happened to me. I got colds and flu which made hubby and I worry a lot. So hubby bought me fruits and milk to help me and our baby compensate with the no-meds-water-only therapy. I had to sacrifice myself from not drinking cold water, not reporting for work to rest more and not taking any medicines to ensure the safety of our little one. Lastly, I can say our baby and I will be A-okay because hubby never fails to show us that he's there, he cares and he always makes us happy. 

my "vitamins"

5weeks, 3 days pregnant
Never mind the pictures. I learned not to take pics using the phone. 

I am so excited to share my baby's progress. 'Til then! Au revoir.  

Huwebes, Marso 31, 2011

A pleasant surprise

March 24th in the year 2011, I was in the hotel while hubby was busy processing his papers to Scottland. It was just a usual day, not busy, and I, feeling differently among the rest. A thought came into my mind. Yes, I bought a pregnancy test kit. I was afraid, at the same time excited. 
Afraid, because, I don't wanna be frustrated again. After so many tries, I dont want to see a single line.
Excited, because, hubby and I have been waiting for this for a year. It has to be two lines. And guess what, it did!

That day, we were the happiest couple living on earth! At last, we did it!

Now this is the start of motherhood. The start of my new journey with myself as a mum in 9 months and the journey of myself and my hubby as parents to our dear bundle of joy. We know it wouldn't be this easy. But I know that with the help of each other, we can be able to build a great family together. 

One thing's for sure. This little one will make our lives happier and luckier. Upon knowing that I'm pregnant, the little one took our breaths away.